Monday, January 2, 2012

An inconvenience, or was it?

To say the least, the thought of my having cancer took a bit to get used to.  Even now it seems a little surreal.  After my diagnosis, the only thing I wanted to do was "make it through" the holidays.  Not so much in a life or death sense (not really worried about that).  But in the sense of not breaking down, not losing it, not bawling when my nephews made a comment about me having the "same line as mom does on your throat".  So here I was, preparing for this trip back for Christmas, packing, planning, scheduling, etc., etc.  We would sign out on leave on Wednesday, be home that afternoon, and spend time with family.  Well that was the way "I" had it planned out.  Fortunately as we all know, God often has a different plan. 

Tuesday the 20th, Aaron was supposed to be done working around 11ish.  They were on half days for those still in the office and I couldn't wait for him to get home.  Then I get a text.  "Christmas plans may change, just got tagged with an assignment."  WHAT?!?!?  I was already nerved up about going home, and now we may have to change it all?  I NEED A BREAK!!!!!  To say the least by the time he got home I was beyond frustrated.  We were planning to leave early Wednesday and now this was all on hold.  To top it off, we may have to come back early.  Little did I know God was protecting my husband in a way I could have never envisioned.

My husband had been complaining of a stiff back that Monday (19th) after he had played 2 hours of volleyball with myself and my club volleyball team.  A friend of ours is a chiropractor and had encouraged Aaron to stop by for an adjustment prior to us going on leave.  (I am sure he knew Aaron would be in the car for an extended period of time and most likely rough housing it with 3 nephews who have taken up the sport of wrestling this year).  Since we now had this "extra time", Aaron went in for an adjustment.  An adjustment that would change our worlds once again.  Through a diligent exam, the chiropractor decided x-rays were a must before the adjustment.  And just like that I felt my world would be flipped upside down again for the second time in exactly one week.  On December 21st Aaron was diagnosed with a broken back.  His L4 vertebra had 4 fractures in it and the disc between the L4 & L5 was torn almost completely through. 

Here we were, just trying to over come one diagnosis, and then we were hit with this.  This time though I wasn't mad, I wasn't fearful, I understood.  God's words of " I will not leave you or forsake you" continued to play over and over in my head.  You see that inconvenience of the tasking that Aaron received, when we should have been signed out on leave could have been one of the most important of his career.  Not because it played an important part in the Army or his unit. It gave him time, time to go to the doctor and be diagnosed.  In January when we returned, he would have been scheduled to jump again with an airborne unit and that landing could have been detrimental.  To say the least, the jump won't be happening.  But what will be happening is him recovering.  We don't know exactly the treatment plan yet, but we will in the very near future.  Surgery is possible, rest is mandatory, and cross-fit is off limits. 

In one week I was diagnosed with cancer, Aaron diagnosed with a broken back.  That my friends, is ALOT to take in.  A friend of mine writes a blog. Allison wrote about how she would often spend time worrying about the "what ifs" in life.  What if something happened to her children, her husband, herself?  All of the sudden those what ifs were a reality for us.  Yet through it all we are fine!  The sun did come up the next day.  Our time spent at home was some of the most enjoyable I have had since I moved away.  No, I didn't get to see near the friends I had planned on, but those I did see I spent "quality" time with.  Through this whole "adventure", as we call it, I have learned to slow down (and for anyone who knows me, my calendar is jam packed!).  Some of the slowing down I didn't have a choice in the matter.  But other things I have. For that I am grateful.

As we begin the new year, many will make resolutions. A list per say to check off.  My challenge to you this year isn't just to "go through the motions" (I highly recommend the Matthew West song, "Going through the motions".).  Don't just check off those resolutions or become disappointed if they don't pan out.  Truly enjoy what God has given you.  Spend the extra 10 minutes with your family, facebook, twitter and pintrest can wait.  And those little inconveniences that arise in our lives, those are intentional.  They are a small little nudge from God, a reminder that He really does have things under control if we would just let them play out.  The funny thing as humans though, we often over look them, get mad about them, allow the frustration to overflow to other parts of our lives and take it out on others.  That wasn't His plan. The spilled drink at breakfast is there to remind you in a few short years your child will be grown and away from home, you will miss wiping up the mess and cleaning the chocolate milk mustache off their face.  And your spouse, they didn't mean to forget the milk at the store, they were just in awe of how obnoxious Walmart is and thinking how thankful they are that you grocery shop for the whole family. Tonight hug your loved ones a little bit longer.  Allow that kiss to rest on your wife's forehead for a few extra seconds.  Spend a few extra minutes chatting with you neighbors.  You see, these are the really important things in life.  God wants you to enjoy them, He longs to see you happy and sometimes He just has to throw a bump in the road to remind us!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Words cannot describe what I am feeling for you right now. I had no idea that you and Aaron were going through all of this. I know you are a strong woman and can make it through anything. You are a an inspiring person and I look up to you and everything you do.
